School Age Care

We understand the stresses of trying to find the right care suited for your family. At Kids in the Grove, we exist not just to look after your child, but to provide an environment in which they can succeed and have fun with their learning activities. Our focus is to provide ample homework assistance. Staff and students will collaborate to help improve your child’s studies and explore opportunities for further education. Combined with this, we ensure indoor and outdoor play to make sure students are having some fun after their hard work! It’s no surprise that childcare is in high demand. Providing a school age program is key component to our services. 


boy happy
Kids in the Grove has been approved for the CCFRI (Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative). This means families with children ages 2 Years to Kindergarten attending our Daycare program at Topham over the summer months will receive up to $550 off their monthly fees! During the school year September to June, Kinder families will also receive this funding. We are so grateful to be able to participate in this program and help our families with their child care fees.

School Age Key Activities

Homework Assistance

Staff spend one-on-one time with the children to help assist them on their homework assignents.



Self-taught or directed creativity.

Physical Development

Use of school’s gym, equipment and music / movement activities in the classroom.

girl playing

KITG is adaptable and will help your child with their homework

The school age care program is not just about caring for your child, it’s about making a second home for them because they are with us for the in between moments. This program is well organized to accommodate varying ages by providing opportunities for leadership to the older students while ensuring the program is age appropriate for our younger students.

Daily Schedule

Our program schedule has adapted due to Covid:



Staff is available for assistance

Station based on age category

Arts/crafts, drawing, reading, floor play (Lego, etc.)

Outside Play (weather permitting)

Additional Info


Please bring a reusable drink container/water bottle, and litter free snacks to help us support our home school’s recycling program. We ask that you pack healthy snacks and lunches and to avoid candy or gum. It is very important that Peanut Free items are provided to help our friends with allergies stay safe and comfortable.


In keeping with having fun and enjoying various stations, we ask that you have your child dress in appropriate weather permitting. The best way to think of this is as worry-free attire! This allows your children to enjoy their play outside as well as with all our various stations – art can get messy but it’s all about having fun too.

Required Supplies

  • Inside Runners (No laces) 
  • Change of Clothes (Shirt, Pants, Socks & Underwear) 
  • Sunscreen & Hat 
  • Lunch for Extended Care 

Important / Licensing

  • Ratios: 3 Staff – 20 Students
  • We are a Peanut-Free Centre 
  • Students must be toilet-trained
  • Dismissal/Pick-Up; students must be signed in; this is also a very important time and great opportunity for all questions, concerns, discussions about your child. 
  • We only accept our home school students during the school year. Over the holidays, we welcome other schools if we have space.


School Age Care


 3 days per week


$406/month (Savings $69)


Mon – Fri (5 days)


$493/month (Savings $115)



3 days per week


$328/month (Savings $192)


Mon – Fri (5 days)


$312/month (Savings $320)


What is your Covid Safety Plan?

Click here to view our current corona virus updates

What are KITG allergy protocols and regulations?

Peanut Allergy - What You Need to Know 

Peanuts, a cheap source of dietary protein predominantly ingested as peanut butter, have indeed become one of the world's most allergenic foods. They are, unfortunately, progressively finding their way into more and more food products either directly, or by indirect contamination of food products during the manufacturing process. Peanut may be designated on a food label in a less easily recognized term such as "hydrolysed vegetable protein" or "groundnuts". It is important to realize that for the sensitive person, this is a lifelong allergy, and that even trace amounts can kill. Sensitization may possibly occur during a pregnancy when the mother overindulges in or perhaps even just eats peanut products, and peanut proteins have even been found in breast milk. 

The Allergic (Anaphylactic) Shock Reaction This reaction can begin and proceed rapidly, occasionally proving fatal within minutes. It must be treated with epinephrine immediately at the first signs of reaction, and the reaction may recur after initial therapy so that ongoing observation and care are required. Possible symptoms of reaction to peanuts may include (not necessarily in this order): 

  • sense of foreboding, fear, or apprehension 
  • Blushed face, hives, swollen or itchy lips, mouth, eyes, or tongue
  • lightness in mouth, chest or throat 
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing, drooling, wheezing, choking, coughing 
  • running nose, voice change 
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains 
  • dizziness, unsteadiness, sudden fatigue, rapid heartbeat, chills 
  • Allor, loss of consciousness, coma, death

Other names for peanuts: 

  • Arachis oil 
  • Beer nuts 
  • Goober nuts, and goober peas
  • Ground nuts 
  • Kernels 
  • Mandelonas, Nu-Nuts 
  • Nut meats 
  • Valencias 

Food and products that contain or often contain peanuts: 

  • Ethnic foods, such as satay, Thai (for example, curries), Vietnamese (for example, crushed peanut as a topping, spring rolls) or Chinese (for example, Szechuan sauce, egg rolls) 
  • Hydrolyzed plant protein and vegetable protein 
  • Nut substitutes 
  • Peanut butter
  • Peanut oil 
  • Vegetarian meat substitutes

Other possible sources of peanuts: 

  • Almond & hazelnut paste, marzipan, nougat 
  • Baked goods 
  • Chili 
  • Cereals 
  • Desserts 
  • Dried salad dressings and soup mixes 
  • Icing, glazes
  • Snack foods, for example, trail mixes
How is discipline approached at Kids in the Grove?

Kids in the Grove staff believe that discipline should be taken in a more positive approach. Behavior that is acceptable should be praised and encouraged. This allows the child to feel good about themselves and their behavior. Asking a child to stop and think about his/her unpleasant behavior allows the child to teach themselves self-control. Our program policy assists children in using their words to talk out their problems or to use redirection to eliminate a conflict situation. We encourage children to express their feelings and work with each other to help each other feel good. Under NO circumstances will corporal punishment be used. No child will be subjected to ridicule, sarcasm, labeling or demoralizing. 

The goals in our program are to: 

  • Demonstrate and encourage appropriate behavior. 
  • Encourage students to understand and follow program rules. 
  • Appropriate supervision of students always. 

All staff will be proactive to effectively manage student's behavior. These steps include: Working with the families to help students develop their own way to managing their behavior. Always having age and ability appropriate activities and events available. Offering and teaching others to have positive feedback, praise and recognition. Establishing natural and logical consequences for the students. 

Under the "Child Care Licensing Regulations Sec.27"; Staff will ensure that no child enrolled in a facility is, while under the care or supervision of the licensee: subjected to shoving, hitting, shaking, spanking or any form of corporal punishment, subjected to harsh, belittling or degrading treatment, whether verbal, emotional or physical, that would humiliate the child or undermine the child's self-respect. as a form of punishment, confined, physically restrained or kept, without adult supervision, apart from other children, and as a form of punishment, deprived of meals, snacks, rest or necessary use of a toilet.

Is there a late pickup charge?

Please be sure to pick up your child before we close at 6:00p.m. Staff are scheduled to work until 6:00p.m. sharp and it is against licensing regulations to leave your child unattended. If you are not on time, you will be charged/invoiced a late pick-up fee. If possible, please phone us and let us know you are running late so we can reassure your child. Late Fees: $10 for first 15 minutes. $1 for every minute after. If a child is not picked up by the closing time the following procedures will be demonstrated: Staff will attempt to phone the parents. If there is no answer, staff will call the emergency contact on the registration form. If no one answers there, and the child has not been picked up by then we will contact Emergency Services of the Ministry for Children and Families. A note will be left on the door explaining where the child is.

What do I do if my child will be absent from KITG?

Please notify us if your child will not be attending our program for the day. We expect the children's arrival both in the morning & afterschool. If a child is absent, delayed we will do the following: 

  • Check with the office and have child paged (if possible). 
  • Complete a thorough search of the school building and grounds. 
  • Phone the parent or guardian and other emergency contacts. 
  • If no information has been received, then we contact the police and report the child missing.
How do I arrange a special release of my child?

Please inform us if you have made special arrangements for someone to pick up your child, even if that person is on the registration form. All staff sign a "Release of a Child" policy form so as children are released into that persons care safely! Staff will only release a child to an "authorized person", who is adequately able to care for the child. Staff will not release a child under 12 years of age to anyone without picture ID.

How is medication administered to my child?

Our staff can only administer medication (prescription or non-prescription) when a Permission Administer Form has been filled out and signed by the parent. All medications must be in their original containers showing dosages and information. The forms can be picked up at our center. The medications will be kept in a locked-up location.

What are your emergency procedures?

When children are in our care, their health and safety is our main focus. So, to promote health and safety we ensure a clean, safe and well-maintained environment. All First Aid Kits, Emergency Contact Information, Allergy and Medical Alerts are kept in the classroom, and taken with us on all field trips. Please keep us informed and update of any changes in your information, including your current phone numbers. All our staff members are familiar with the Emergency Procedures Manual. Fire and earthquake drills will be scheduled and practiced on a regular basis. All drills are kept dated and documented in a binder filed in the classroom. 

Fire & Earthquake Drills 

Fire and earthquake drills are scheduled and practiced on a monthly basis. All drills are kept dated and documented on the safety wall. The Fire Department and Fraser Health check these regularly. We also participate in our home schools Fire and Earthquake Drills!

What are your sign in/sign out policies?

"Licensing requires all parents to sign their child in & out!" 

In order to ensure your child's safe arrival & departure the child must be signed in & out. We will not accept any child; that has been dropped off to sign themselves in. If your child is dropped off without their parent signing in; you, the parent will be contacted to come back for your child. 

Sign-in sheets are provided daily by the entrance and exit of the classroom.

What do I do if my child is ill?

Students who become too ill to participate in activities should not be in attendance. If your child becomes ill at the center, we will call you! If you are not available, then we call your emergency contact. If the situation becomes urgent, then staff will follow the emergency procedures. 

If your child becomes sick during attendance at school, we cannot for the health of the other students have your child attend.  

Please phone us and keep your child at home if they: 

  • Have a contagious infection, including pink eye.  
  • Have a communicable disease.  
  • Have a fever over 38 degrees Celsius.  
  • Are vomiting or have diarrhea.  
  • Have a skin infection or undiagnosed rash.  

Any communicable diseases, contagious infection, pink eye; will be reported to Licensing & Public Health.

How do I withdrawal or change my registration?

Parents are to notify the Head Office providing one month's notice of withdrawal or decrease of attendance. If the required notice is not given, then one month's fee will be charged to you in lieu of notice. Should any problems or concerns arise during your child's attendance at our Facility; we reserve the right to have your child withdrawn from our program without retribution.

How do we navigate custody orders and arrangements?

If a family has specific custody agreements or court orders, a copy must be provided to our staff and will be kept in that child/s files. If the parents or guardians live separately, staff expects the information given by the enrolling parent/ guardian to be accurate. For without custody agreements or court orders on file, we cannot deny access to the non-enrolling parent or guardian. A copy of pick up and access schedules should be authorized and signed by both parents and kept in the child's file.


Contact Us

Topham Elementary: 21555 91st Avenue, Langley, BC, V1M 3Z3

West Langley Elementary: 9403-212 Street, Langley, BC, V1M 1M1

604 - 619 - 0267

Over 20 years of operations!


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Junior Kindergarten

School Age Care

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News & Events

Joint Forces Ball Hockey Memorial Jamboree – May 24, 2024

Kids in the Grove is proud to support the Cst. Rick O'Brien Joint Forces Foundation upcoming Ball Hockey Memorial Jamboree. The foundation is dedicated to creating a lasting legacy and future where youth and law enforcement stand united, working collaboratively to...

Minister Tours Daycares

Making a difference in Child Care one step at a time! Minister Katrina Chen and MLA Megan Dykeman came to tour our West Langley Elementary School location! We spoke about child care needs in the community; all the programs and funding available to parents and centers....

Covid-19 Status

Updated January 20th 2022 To protect ourselves, our families, and our schools, it is important to know how the Corona Virus spreads and how we can best take action to prevent illness in our centers. We have developed a protocol for our new normal. Thank you for your...

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